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New Blog!
Thursday 6 September 2012 • 05:15 • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum dan Hello~

this is my new blog~ my old blog is  http://missainin.blogspot.com/ follow that too :face55: I hope you enjoy my blog~ this is more private ( I think) :face54: here my simple bio :t:

Nur Ainin Sofiya Binti Mohd Razifemoticon39 (call me AININCHANCE:t:
20 June 1997emoticon39
sweet 5teen this yearemoticon39
I like to surf internetemoticon39
Love science and english not Mathemoticon39
I have 3 Boyfriend..they are GREYSON CHANCE, RICKY (TEEN TOP), T.O.P(BIGBANG)emoticon39 lol thats was a joke dude:face46:
You respect me I respect you~ If you dont like it please get out from my blog! dont mess up with me!emoticon39

well thats a little bit about me? wanna see more? wait~ :face64:

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hi, Its Ainin Chance here. Enjoy my new blog... the first one is missainin.blogspot.com thanks for following :) xoxo #SCL bold italic underline strike

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